2024 Early Learning & Kindergarten Festivals
The transition from preschool to kindergarten is one of the most difficult, critical, and yet exciting events in a young child’s life.
Providing a smooth transition for a preschooler from the home and/or preschool environment to the elementary school can make a significant difference in how well the child adjusts to a formal setting.
The LBECE Committee aims to facilitate this transition process by providing families with the information and resources they need to support the health, safety, socio-emotional, and educational well-being of their child.
Purpose of ELK Festivals
- To increase parents’ comfort level with the formal school experience and lower anxiety levels
- To support the home environment as the primary learning environment
- To provide hands-on, teacher-modeled learning activities that can be replicated at home
- To provide an opportunity for parents to gain district-related information such as kindergarten registration, uniforms, home school, school of choice, etc.
- To provide an opportunity for families to receive [free] information regarding community resources that are accessible and beneficial such as the public libraries, ChildNet, before/after school child care, asthma assistance, etc.
- To provide information regarding Transitional Kindergarten
Parent Information Sessions:
- How to help your child with Math skills
- How to help your child with Literacy skills
- Kindergarten Readiness Information
- Transitional Kindergarten
- LBUSD Information
Photos from Past ELK Festivals