The LBECE Committee is proud to serve the children and families of the greater Long Beach area.
The City of Long Beach is the 7th most populous in California and ranks 10th across the nation in overall diversity. Of Long Beach’s nearly 500,000 populous, over 40% identify as Latino/Hispanic, 29% identify as White, 13% identify as African American and over 12% identify as Asian. Approximately 26% of Long Beach residents are immigrants and 13.9% of households are headed by a single parent.
Approximately 7% of the Long Beach population is under 5 years old and it has been estimated that 36% of Long Beach children are born into and live in poverty. Additionally, approximately 23% of Long Beach children (and approximately 30% within the greater LBUSD service area) are of eligible preschool enrollment age but are un- or under-served by child care/early education (i.e. preschool) services.