By-Laws, Policies, Procedures

As used in these policies and procedures, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context:

A. The Long Beach Early Childhood Education Committee shall be known as the “LBECE Committee.”

B. “Members” shall mean the members of the Long Beach Early Childhood Education Committee.
The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30.

A. The mission of the LBECE Committee is to ensure that all children in Long Beach grow up healthy, safe, and educated.

B. The purpose of the LBECE Committee shall be to:

  • Enhance the quality of and accessibility to affordable Early Childhood Education (ECE) services;
  • Expand the base of ECE resources to meet the needs of families/caregivers and greater Long Beach community;
  • Enhance the resources to meet the needs of the ECE Workforce; and
  • Increase public awareness of the current and future economic, social, and educational impacts of ECE through advocacy and education
  • Annually review and implement the relevant Activities within the City’s “–2018 Early Childhood Education Strategic Plan” or its replacement plan (hereinafter “Community Plan”).
  • Advise the Mayor, City Council, the Board of Health and Human Services, the Commission on Youth and Children and other local, regional, and State entities concerned with children and families of the needs, concerns, and challenges of children, and to make policy recommendations regarding City, regional, and State efforts to serve children, youth, and their families.
  • Annually review the City’s legislative agenda with regard to early childhood education issues and other issues related to children, youth, and their families.
  • Promote coordination between the City of Long Beach, the Long Beach Unified School District, other County, State, national organizations, and community agencies.

A. Regular meetings of the LBECE Committee shall be held on the first Friday of the month from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. unless otherwise agreed upon in advance by the LBECE Committee Board of Directors (Board). The Annual LBECE Committee Retreat will be held each year with the date, time, and location determined by the Board.

B. All meetings of the LBECE Committee shall be open to the public and shall be held within the boundaries of the greater Long Beach area (except for uniquely called meetings). No meeting may be held at a location that is not open to the public at the time of the meeting.

C. The Board shall discuss and establish the agenda for each meeting. The criteria for consideration of an agenda item will be its relevance to the purpose of the LBECE Committee. Individual LBECE Committee Members may submit items for consideration.

D. A majority of all Active Members of the LBECE Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A majority is defined as 50% of all Active Members plus one (1). A motion shall carry upon the affirmative vote of the majority of the Members present at any meeting.

A. Membership Recruitment
To ensure optimal representation and access to this process, recruitment and outreach will occur throughout the year.

The Committee does not restrict membership on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin.

Diversity within each of the following categories will be a consideration in the selection of Members.

  • Childcare Consumer – Currently receiving early education services
  • Childcare Provider – Licensed and license-exempt childcare
  • Community Representative – Residing and/or employed in the greater Long Beach area
  • Public Agency – Including City, County, State, and Local Education Agencies (LEA)
  • Discretionary – Including City, County, State, all public and private local agencies/organizations, and individual interested parties


A. Membership Recruitment
To ensure optimal representation and access to this process, recruitment and outreach will occur throughout the year.

The Committee does not restrict membership on the basis of race, color, disability, sex, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin.

Diversity within each of the following categories will be a consideration in the selection of Members.

  • Childcare Consumer – Currently receiving early education services
  • Childcare Provider – Licensed and license-exempt childcare
  • Community Representative – Residing and/or employed in the greater Long Beach area
  • Public Agency – Including City, County, State, and Local Education Agencies (LEA)
  • Discretionary – Including City, County, State, all public and private local agencies/organizations, and individual interested parties

B. Membership Categories
The LBECE Committee shall have two (2) categories of membership: “Active Members” and “Associate Members”. All categories of membership are entitled to:

  • Access to all Committee working documents, meeting minutes, written contributions, and reports, except for any document containing confidential information which the Board has determined should be subject to restricted access for legal, operational, or policy reasons;
  • Submit Working Group Contributions; and
  • Subscribe to all general e-mail lists published by the Committee.
  1. Active Members

Active Members are committed to on-going participation in the activities and commitments conducted by the Committee to achieve its goals. Members will be considered “Active” if they meet Committee participation requirements, including participating in at least one Work Group.

Active Members will be eligible to serve as Work Group Chairs and eligible to participate in all “Active Member Only” Committee activities or events.

Active Members shall have the right to vote on all matters requiring a vote of the membership, as set forth in these Bylaws.

Active Members will be required to undergo LBECE Committee Orientation.

Active Members shall be eligible to serve on the LBECE Board Executive Committee.

2. Associate Members
Associate Members will be members wishing to maintain general affiliation with the LBECE Committee but who cannot/do not meet the attendance/participation requirements of Active Membership.
Associate Members will be eligible to serve on a Work Group but are not eligible to serve as Work Group Chair; nor are they eligible to serve on the on the Executive Committee.

Associate Members will have no voting authority.​

3. Alternates
Each Active Member may name an Alternate to serve in his/her absence, and will give LBECE Committee Secretary the Alternate’s name and contact information (address, phone number, email address, etc.). The Member is responsible for maintaining communication with the alternate regarding the business of the LBECE Committee and for ensuring that the alternate is available to attend meetings. Alternates are encouraged to attend and participate in discussions at all LBECE Committee and work group meetings. In the absence of the Member, the Alternate will be entitled to vote.

C. Membership Application Process

  1. Applications for new Active or Associate membership to the Committee will be accepted on a continual basis and will be approved by the Committee on a monthly basis.
  2. Applications for transition between Active Membership and Associate Membership will be accepted on an on-going basis.

D. Membership Approval Process

The Board will review all applications and present them to the ECE Committee for review and final vote.

E. Terms of Membership

The LBECE Committee membership is continual following initial approval but subject to termination policies set herein.

An individual’s term of membership may be terminated due to changes in employment, residence, conflict of interest issues, excessive absence, or other changes in status that affect the Member’s representation on the LBECE Committee.

When this occurs, the individual designated as the Member’s Alternate will have the option to continue their service in this capacity and designate an alternate for their new membership status.
The termination process will be by recommendation of the Board with ratification by the membership.


A. Board of Directors

Officers of the Board’s Executive Committee include: Chair, Vice Chair/Community Impact, Vice Chair/Workforce Enhancement, Vice Chair/Public Policy and Education, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member-at-Large.

Work Group chairs will be appointed by the Executive Committee and will be voting members of the Board.

Optional co-officer/co-chair positions are available for each office of the Board by election process contained herein. Co-officers/co-chairs will be members of the Board; however, the co-officers may only cast one vote jointly.

B. Executive Committee

Roles and responsibilities of each officer of the Board Executive Committee include:

1. LBECE Committee Chair / Co-Chairs

  • Align work of the LBECE Committee with City of Long Beach 5-year Strategic Plan
  • Set agenda items for Committee meetings
  • Preside over LBECE Committee meetings
  • Committee Governance Oversight
  • Oversee work groups
  • Develop the Committee’s Annual Action Plan and Budget (comprised of each Work Group’s Action Plans) – to be presented to the LBECE Committee and approved by Executive Committee
  • Attend a minimum of 75% of all Board and LBECE Committee meetings

2. Vice Chairs / Co-Vice Chairs Community Impact

  • Assist chair with aligning work of the LBECE Committee with City of Long Beach 5-year Strategic Plan
  • Assist with setting agenda items for meetings
  • Preside over LBECE Committee meetings when chair is not present
  • Committee Governance Oversight
  • Oversee work groups: Kindergarten Festivals and Community Events
  • Oversee development of the Work Groups’ annual Action Plan(s) and budget(s) to be presented to the LBECE Committee and approved by Executive Committee
  • Attend a minimum of 75% of all Board and LBECE Committee meetings

3. Vice Chair / Co Vice-Chairs – Enhancing Quality

  • Assist chair with aligning work of the LBECE Committee
  • Assist with setting agenda items for meetings
  • Committee Governance Oversight
  • Preside over LBECE Committee meetings when chair and/or Vice Chair of Community Impact is not present
  • Oversee work groups: Symposium and Enhancing Quality/Professional Development
  • Oversee development of the Work Groups’ annual Action Plan(s) and budget(s) to be presented to the LBECE Committee and approved by Executive Committee
  • Attend a minimum of 75% of all Board and LBECE Committee meetings

4. Vice Chair / Co Vice-Chairs – Public Policy and Education

  • Assist chair with aligning work of the LBECE Committee
  • Assist with setting agenda items for meetings
  • Committee Governance Oversight
  • Preside over LBECE Committee meetings when chair and Vice Chairs of Community Impact and/or Enhancing Quality are not present
  • Oversee work group: Public Policy and Education
  • Oversee development of the Work Groups’ annual Action Plan(s) and budget(s) to be presented to the LBECE Committee and approved by Executive Committee
  • Make recommendations on Legislative Policy positions to the Executive Committee for formal approval
  • Attend a minimum of 75% of all Board and LBECE Committee meetings

5. Secretary / Co-Secretaries

  • Manage record-keeping and correspondence
  • Maintain bylaws / policies and procedures
  • Maintain current Member list and New Member applications
  • Record and/or review minutes for LBECE Committee meetings
  • Maintain attendance records of LBECE Committee and Board Members
  • Committee Governance Oversight
  • Oversee work groups: Marketing, and Membership
  • Oversee development of the Work Groups’ annual Action Plan and budget to be presented to the LBECE Committee and approved by Executive Committee
  • Attend a minimum of 75% of all Board and LBECE Committee Meetings

6. Treasurer / Co-Treasurers

  • Manage and report on Committee finances in consultation with the LBECE Committee’s fiscal sponsor
  • Oversee all fiscal accounts (such as, but not limited to, Public Policy and Education, Kindergarten Festivals, etc.) in consultation with the LBECE Committee’s fiscal sponsor
  • Assist work group chairs / co-chairs with budget creation
  • Work with LBECE Committee’s fiscal sponsor on matters related to grants management
  • Committee Governance Oversight
  • Oversee work group: Fund Development
  • Oversee development of the Work Groups’ annual Action Plan(s) and budget(s) to be presented to the LBECE Committee and approved by Executive Committee
  • Develop the Committee’s Annual Budget, including revenue projections and fundraising targets
  • Attend a minimum of 75% of all Board and LBECE Committee meetings

7. Member-at-Large / Co-Members-at-Large

  • Represent the membership on general issues of interest or concern
  • Conduct projects to further the goals of the LBECE Committee
  • Willing to serve as chair / co-chair of any work group or ad hoc team formed to develop and implement LBECE Committee projects
  • Committee Governance Oversight
  • Attend a minimum of 75% of all Board and LBECE Committee meetings

C. Election of the Executive Committee
Every April 1st – April 30th, the nominating process will begin. Members will be given nomination forms describing the role, responsibilities, and qualifications for each Executive Committee position. To qualify to be nominated for an Executive Committee position, a Member must have served on the LBECE Committee for at least one (1) year within the last five (5) years and be in good standing as an Active Member. Members may nominate themselves or other Committee Members. At the close of the nomination process, nominees will be contacted to ascertain their interest in serving as an Executive Committee Member. The names of all nominees who agree to have their names brought forward will be presented to the membership for approval at the May Committee Meeting . Positions can be by write-in or prior nomination on an annual May ballot.

D. Executive Committee Terms
Effective FY2020, the term of office for Executive Committee Members will be three consecutive two (2) year terms within one position.

Upon reaching the term limit maximum (three consecutive two-year terms, or six years) the Member must take a two-year hiatus from that Executive Committee position before being voted back to the position. The Member may serve as a different Executive Committee position during this two-year hiatus.

There will be an election for the following positions in odd-numbered years:

  • Chair / Co-Chairs
  • Treasurer / Co-Treasurers
  • Vice Chair / Vice Chairs, Public Policy and Education

There will be an election for the following positions in even-numbered years:​

  • Vice Chair / Vice Chairs, Community Impact
  • Vice Chair / Vice Chairs, Workforce Enhancement
  • Secretary / Co-Secretaries
  • Member-at-Large / Co-Members-at-Large

This Executive Board voting system was created to ensure greater continuity of the Executive Board and to prevent 100% turnover every two (2) years. In the event an elected Executive Board member vacates their position either through resignation of the position or election to another Executive Board position, the vacated position will be open for nominations for a period beginning the first day the position vacancy is announced to the Committee electronically or during a regularly scheduled Committee meeting, through one week prior to the following meeting.

E. Work Group Chairs

Active Members in good standing are eligible to serve as Work Group Chairs (i.e. Members of the Board of Directors) as appointed by the Executive Committee.

Roles and responsibilities of each Work Group Chair include:

  • Align the Work Group activities with the Goals of the LBECE Committee
  • Notify Committee at-large of Work Group meeting times and locations
  • Set agenda items for Work Group meetings
  • Maintain records of all meeting discussions/decisions saved in centralized filing system to be designated by Executive Committee, accessible to all Committee Members
  • Preside over Work Group meetings
  • Develop the Work Group’s annual Action Plan and budget – to be presented to the LBECE Committee and approved by Executive Committee
  • Attend a minimum of 75% of all Work Group, Board and LBECE Committee meetings

A. General Participation
Although a quorum is constituted by 50% plus one (1) of the current Active membership, all Active Members are expected to attend all LBECE Committee meetings or arrange for an alternate to attend. All Associate Members are likewise encouraged to attend. All members and their Alternates must sign the attendance roster provided for each LBECE Committee meeting, Board meeting, and each Work Group meeting.

B. Absences
Members may have no more than 25% unexcused absences each from the LBECE Committee meetings, or work group meetings (as reported by the Work Group Chair). To be considered absent from a meeting, neither the Member nor his/her Alternate would be present. Members may excuse themselves by email to the LBECE Committee’s Secretary or Work Group Chair.

At the close of the year (June), the Board will review attendance records. Members who have 25% or more unexcused absences will be notified via email and/or phone call of their pending re-classified to an Associate Member (effective July of the following Committee year).

Alternates will subsequently be notified and given the option to participate as an Active Member.
The Board has the authority to vote to maintain a member’s Active status based on associated extenuating circumstances.

C. Role of Work Groups
Work Groups are formed to conduct the business of the LBECE Committee,. In the course of its efforts, a Work Group of the Committee may make an activity or policy recommendation, or plan an event requiring LBECE Committee resources.

Each Work Group must create a budget for its activities that must be submitted to the Board for approval. No Work Group expenditures may be undertaken without an approved budget, and all work group expenditures must be consistent with the approved budget. Each Work Group will submit its budget by May 30th of each year.

The LBECE Committee must be informed of the activities of each Work Group via updates at monthly Committee meetings.

D. Work Group Participation
Participation in at least one (1) work group is required of all Active Members and encouraged for all Associate Members. All Members must choose their group by the June meeting. New Members coming onto the Committee for the first time, or Associate Members transitioning to Active Member status mid-year, must select their group within sixty (60) days of their application approval. Failure to attend any work group by the September meeting will be recorded as an absence. A Member may change his/her work group by notifying the Secretary / Co-Secretaries of the Committee and the chair / co-chairs of the work group that he/she is leaving.

Standing work groups include:

  • Kindergarten Festivals
  • Community Events
  • Public Policy and Advocacy
  • Enhancing Quality/Professional Development
  • Symposium
  • Fund Development
  • Marketing & Membership


A. Quorum
For the purposes of voting, a quorum will be deemed to be 50% plus one (1) of the current Active membership for LBECE Committee meetings. For Board meetings, a quorum will be deemed to be the same of all Board Members.

B. Action Items

Action items are routine or extraordinary actions or decisions related to the functions and purposes of the LBECE Committee that require a vote of approval from the LBECE Committee. Approvals of LBECE Committee minutes are action items at each meeting.

Changes to Committee structure or to the Bylaws / Policies and Procedures are action items.

A vote must be taken by the LBECE Committee on items that are related to the stated functions of the LBECE Committee.

Action items initiated by Work Groups must be forwarded to the LBECE Committee Secretary/Co-Secretaries at least two (2) weeks before the date of the meeting on which agenda the action item should appear.

C. Conflict of Interest
All Members are expected to use good judgment, to adhere to high ethical standards, and to avoid situations that create an actual, potential, or perceived conflict between their personal interests and the interests of the LBECE Committee.
A conflict of interest exists when a Member derives a personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity.

Both actual and perceived conflicts of interest should be avoided. If a Member is unsure whether a certain transaction, activity, or relationship constitutes a conflict of interest, he or she should discuss it with the Board before pursuing that transaction, activity, or relationship.

No Member of the LBECE Committee will participate in a vote if he/she has a proprietary interest in the outcome. In the case of a potential conflict, the Member (or Alternate) must refrain from participating in the discussion of the issue after they publicly identify their interest and must recuse him/herself from any vote taken on the issue.

Before discussion and voting, Members will be reminded of their responsibility to assess the potential for conflict of interest. Members are required to declare their affiliations on the membership application. In case of challenge, the membership applications will be reviewed by the Board. The LBECE Committee membership contact list shall be used for the purposes aligned with the professional organization. The LBECE Committee membership roster shall not be disseminated for personal gain.

Failure to adhere to this policy, including failure to disclose any actual or perceived conflicts or to seek an exception where appropriate will result in termination from the LBECE Committee. All Members will be expected to sign an acknowledgement of the conflict of interest policy upon beginning their first term. All Executive Committee Members will be required to sign an acknowledgement of the conflict of interest policy at the beginning of each fiscal year. The LBECE Secretary will maintain records of these acknowledgements.

D. Voting on Motions
Each Active Member of the LBECE Committee shall be entitled to one vote on each action item before the Committee the month following their membership approval and for each month thereafter. If the Member is absent, the alternate to the Committee may vote in the place of the Member. There will be no absentee voting on any Committee action items, including election of officers. Election of officers will occur by ballot voting. The Chair / Co-Chairs or any other Member, may request a roll call vote on specific motions, excluding election of officers. A record of roll call votes shall be kept by the LBECE Committee Secretary / Co-Secretaries and be included in the minutes.

Once a quorum is established, a motion will be considered as “passed” when a simple majority, 50% plus one (1) of the Members present votes in the affirmative. Abstentions are considered votes and are therefore not counted as support for the motion. A motion that results in a tie vote does not pass.

The Board may make voting decisions and recommendations via email prior to Board meetings. This includes decisions for fiscal purposes, meeting minutes, record keeping, legislative positions, policies, and emergency purposes as needed. An email describing voting or recommendation requests will be sent to each Board Member with detailed information. An email quorum must be met for final decisions to be made. All requests will remain open for a period of no less than 24 hours and no more than five (5) business days.

If a Board Member is absent from an Board meeting, he/she may cast a vote by proxy. Voting by proxy includes a written approval or declination of a motion or recommendation under consideration by the Board. The attending Board Member will share the proxy vote with the full Board in attendance.

A. Representation of the Committee at City, State, and National Meetings

There are City, State, and national meetings that may be of interest to the LBECE Committee. Members will be encouraged to attend these on an individual basis at their own expense and will have the opportunity to request funding and/or reimbursement per Article XI below.

LBECE Board Members may represent the LBECE Committee at these events and may appoint other Members to represent the LBECE Committee dependent on their particular area of expertise.

Any complaint by a Member of the LBECE Committee or any other person regarding any action, policy, or procedure of the LBECE Committee may be addressed through the following steps:
A. The complaint/concern should be brought to the attention of the LBECE Committee Secretary / Co-Secretaries and/or the Chair / Co-Chairs in writing. The Secretary / Co-Secretaries will work with the Chair / Co-Chairs to respond to the complaint and/or provide a response to the complaining party within thirty (30) business days.

B. If the complaint is unresolved at this first step, the written complaint and response will be forwarded to the entire Board for review. The Board will review the complaint and may or may not, at the Board’s discretion, meet with the complaining party. The Board will respond to the complaint within thirty (30) calendar days from receipt of the written complaint and initial response.

The Treasurer / Co-Treasurer will provide a monthly management report on the financial transactions of all LBECE Committee accounts. The report will be developed in consultation with the LBECE Committee’s fiscal sponsor. This report will be a standard operating report that will include revenue and expenses for each LBECE Committee account and will adhere to Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP). The purpose of financial reporting is to ensure decisions take into consideration accurate and current financial data. The Board must approve all expenditures of LBECE Committee funds. Procedures for expenditures of funds are attached as an appendix to these policies and procedures (see Appendix I, Request and Authorization for Expenditures).

Reimbursements requests must be made within 60 days of expenditures being made or per the end of year requirements of the fiscal sponsor. Requests for reimbursement must use approved check request procedure and include copies of the receipts to be reimbursed. In circumstances where signatures are not immediately accessible, Committee Members may request approval of a reimbursement request via the email request procedure outlined in Appendix A.

Amendments to this document can be entertained at anytime by Members of the LBECE Committee or as the result of periodic review by the Board. Members of the LBECE Committee may submit a written inquiry regarding the Bylaws / Policies and Procedures to the Board at anytime. The Board will review each written inquiry and issue a written response within thirty (30) days of receipt of the inquiry. All written inquiries and their disposition will be reported to the LBECE Committee as part of the Report of the Chair / Co-Chairs.

The Board will periodically review the Bylaws / Policies and Procedures to determine if clarification or changes are required. The Board may develop an amendment or new policy language and bring it forward to the LBECE Committee as an action item.

Adopted by the Committee: April 6, 2007
Updated by the Committee: June 6, 2008
Updated by the Committee: September 23, 2010
Updated by the Committee: February 3, 2012
Updated by the Committee: June 1, 2012
Updated by the Committee: October 2, 2015

Updated by the Committee: (March 4, 2016)

Updated by the Committee: January 25, 2019​​

Appendix A

1. The email must be directed to the workgroup chair/co-chairs, treasurer/co-treasurers, and chair/co-chairs, as well as copied to the appropriate fiscal sponsor staff.

2. The request is clearly identified:​

a. Purpose of Reimbursement

b. Budget and Specific Line Item

c. Workgroup​

3. An approval email is received from one workgroup chair/co-chair, one treasurer/co-treasurer, and one chair/co-chair.

4. Copies of email approvals from the above three individuals must be provided with the reimbursement request and all appropriate supporting documentation.

5. Reimbursement Request Forms must still be provided with all applicable documentation. The submitter is to write “See Attached Email” on the appropriate signature line and on each email, write in the upper right-hand corner the position approving (e.g. workgroup chair, treasurer, and chair).